Transfer money effortlessly with Visa Direct

Choose innovative and convenient methods for transferring funds: domestic transfers, international transfers from card to card or to an account are done instantly* with Visa

Account Transfers

Business Account Transfers

Transfer funds conveniently, securely, and quickly to a business account from your Visa card.

* The time for crediting funds to the recipient’s account ranges from a few seconds to 30 minutes and depends on the issuer bank of the recipient’s Visa card as well as the technical conditions of the bank. The visual appearance of the application and the service application may differ from your bank's app. The availability of the service depends on your bank's conditions, the technical capabilities of its app, and your smartphone. The service is provided through remote banking systems of partner banks or through payment terminal networks. Partner banks and payment terminal operators may charge a fee for the service at their discretion. The service may be restricted by legislation, the recipient’s card type, and depends on the terms set by partner banks and payment terminal operators providing the service. For detailed information about service terms, please consult partner banks. Visa International Service Association (USA) allows banks to issue Visa payment cards. Issuing banks may impose restrictions on the issuance of Visa cards. Contact banks for information on terms of issuance and servicing of Visa payment cards.