Support 360 is a platform for inquiries and consultations on Visa services

What questions should I contact Support 360 with?

We provide 24/7 consultations on the following issues:

Financial issues

  • money transfers and currency exchange rates;
  • addresses of ATMs in European countries (including NFC);
  • opening accounts abroad;
  • mobile communication abroad;
  • iePidtrymka;
  • assistance with processing requests for emergency card issuance/reissuance or cash issuance.

Visa premium services

  • availability of airport lounges abroad;
  • baggage packing conditions;
  • how and where to use the Fast Track International service;
  • how to subscribe to SWEET.TV;
  • consultation on the "Telemedicine" service;
  • insurance consultation.

Visa promotions and offers

  • compliments and discounts in the restaurant collection from Visa;
  • discounts on shopping and entertainment;
  • special offers and discounts on hotel reservations;
  • discounts on car rental around the world;
  • many special offers and seasonal promotions from Visa;
  • feedback on promotions and offers from Visa.


How to contact Support 360?

Register in the Visa Ukraine chatbot and click the "Support 360" button

Write to: [email protected]

Call the number: +380443300404